"Remember; when a disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed." - Steven Cyros
Undeniably, Philippines as one of the countries located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, numerous geologic events occur here in our country. Mentioning volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. That resulted major traumatic effects. With this, the government came up with the program, National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill.
Disasters, it is unpredictable that can happen anytime. May it be naturally or man-made ones. Now, the program aims to practice the precautionary measures for disasters. Bringing up the 'drop, cover and hold'. Preparedness in general. Also to help the students and other personnel on how to respond immediately and appropriately in these times. To be aware of the evacuation plan as well as on the possibilities that might occur.
With the power of knowledge, one can solve or can overcome problems. Having awareness and understanding about this matter is very significant. Of course, knowledge should always be partnered with application to make a holistic result.
Although natural disasters are unexpected to come. With this program of the government, surely we can secure the possible effects that can damage us. Or at least with the basic knowledge we have through in participating the said program, it can help us a lot. Knowing that it can happen anytime. Disasters, we cannot stop it but we can do something, to have knowledge and properly use it.
Reference: https://www.pinterest.com/?amp_client_id=a9X8AqShdNxaL8SKHl2-Yhi2caBRFHj4W5JBGq7BtqBV_yIPrSMjo9SFsU2OFDWw&mweb_unauth_id=1953707150ae41f6893c14fe70850173&_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Famp%2Fpin%2F377598749985039411%2F
Images retrieved from https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1010119/Drop_Cover_Hold_On_ShakeOut_Infographic.jpg?p=publish
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