Our country Philippines
is part of the Pacific Ring of fire which means that it is prone to calamities
and disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruption and may more. Resilience
refers to the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. There
are 7c’s towards in adapting it. Control, the power to make decisions about how
something is managed or done. Competence, the ability to do something
successfully or efficiently. Coping, to face and deal with responsibilities,
problems or difficulties in a calm or adequate manner. Confidence, having the
trust to themselves. Connection, a relationship in which a person is linked or
associated with someone else. Character, to have the value and wisdom that can
be shared to others. Contribution, sharing what one person has, could be a
thing, capability or skill. These are very essential in knowing or having
knowledge about, for it enable us to develop system for protection against
experiences that might be overwhelming.
In the history
of the country between 2000 to 2016, natural disasters caused over 23,000
deaths and affected roughly 125 million people. With the help of National
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan (NDDRRMP) is long-term national
sectoral plan aiming to address four main priority areas as disaster prevention
and mitigation, disaster preparedness, disaster response, rehabilitation and
recovery. Mentioning the practice of every school for earthquake drills for the
safety of students, teachers and school facilities. Also the presence of
emergency contact information as well as home evacuation plan in every

Considering on
the pandemic that we are experiencing, namely COVID-19. Coronaviruses are a
large family of viruses causing a range of illnesses, from the common cold to
more serious infections such as those caused by Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome-related Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome-related Coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus can also cause a variety
of diseases in farm animals and domesticated pets. Its first identified and
recorded last January 30,2020. And local transmission occurred, resulting it
with 375,000 thousand cases in the country as of now. It has been affecting a
lot of lives, the health of individuals and also the sources of income of many
Filipinos. With these, protocols to follow were made. Including the
prohibitions of minors and senior citizens to go out, to always wear face mask
and face shields whenever going out.
Concluding with
the resilient characteristic, the 7c’s; control, competence, confidence,
connection, character and contribution. The necessary things to always keep in
mind. Escorted by the awareness of the country being in the Pacific Ring of
Fire, resulting for it to be prone to calamities and disasters. Coping with it
in the presence of National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan as well
as the other authorities. Also, in the middle of pandemic, there are protocols
to follow for the betterment of everyone and the country. With these,
Philippines is capable of standing and recovering amidst the calamities,
disasters, problems and struggles; resilience. And to also be a responsible
citizen. “As separate people, we are weak, but we could be peaceful and
powerful nation”, Amity Gaige.
John Dabell, “The 7Cs of
Resilience”. Retrieved May 1, 2018
Shikha Jha, Arturo Martinez,
Pilipinas Quising, Zemma Ardaniel, and Limin Wang, “Natural Disasters, Public
Spending and Creative Destruction: A Case Study of the Philippines”. Retrieved
March 2018
Department of Health, “COVID-19
FAQS”. Retrieved March 2, 2020
Image retrieved from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/ab/07/27ab07ce6524b500b4e767c7780347a9.jpg